Road names can be assigned by property owners, surveyors, sub-division designers, etal.; however, all road names must be submitted for approval to the E-911 Addressing Office or Planning and Zoning Office. To name a road it must access two or more houses. According to the South Carolina Statute S 23-47-60 the criterion for the naming of a new street is that the name assigned must not duplicate or be similar to an existing street name within the local government’s geographical area. Names of family, nicknames and pet names are not acceptable.
An approval form will need to be completed between the owner and the County. A list of desired road names will need to be submitted for approval. Upon acceptance of the new road name, the Addressing Office will work with the property owners to create and assign the new road name. If any addresses need to be modified during this process, the Addressing Office will make the change and send new letters out to the property owners.
Below is a list of road names already being used in the county. This may help you determine what can or can't be used.
Kershaw County Existing Road Names